Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I ♥ Faces - Week 31 - Silly, crazy, funny faces

We were going for a walk up to the village and I took this photo of my sister. She was being silly as normal - lol ;D - She was showing off in front of the camera, and when I heard that this week was silly, crazy, funny faces, I thought " I'm sure I've got a photo for that". And so I did :)
I love the fact she used her hat to help with this funny photo. The buldgy-not-bothered eyes just finished it off.

Please leave some comments and make sure to look at other peoples photos at iheartfaces
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I ♥ Faces - Week 31 - Pets

Before I took this photo, down on the footpath by my house, I geard some grasshoppers and was trying and trying to capture one but I failed :( Then I found this and I have no idea what it is but I think it's some kind of beetle. I'm pleased with the border 'coz I thought it made the bug look like someone was looking at it throught a telescope or something ;)

I hope you like this photo and make sure to look at everybody else's photos at iheartfaces ;D